首頁圖片解說 (2)

Description for front page pictures (2)

彌勒佛: 寺院的天王殿除了供奉四大天王外, 亦會供奉彌勒佛。彌勒佛笑口常開, 面露笑容, 常見是
              坐著手拿念珠倚坐在大袋旁, 我們這裡介紹的一尊是較少見的造型, 站在布袋上, 拿著扇
              子及念珠, 象徵著站起來歡迎貴賓的光臨。

MAITREYA BUDDHA: In Deva-King Shrine, beside the four Deva-King, we also can find the Maitreya
               Buddha's statue, most of the statues are sitting beside the big bag and holding the rosary,
               the one we intro here is standing on the big bag, holding the rosary and fan, symbolically
               to welcome all the guest with smilingly, friendly and benevolent.



四大天王: 居於須彌山四方之半腰, 常守護佛法, 護持四方, 四天王分別為: (由右至左) 持國天王,
                  增長天王, 廣目天王及多聞天王。

Deva-Kings: guardians of the world, who dwell each on a side of Mount Meru, their names are:
    (from right to left) east: Dhrtarastra, south: Virudhaka, west: Virupaksa, north: Vaisravana.

* 本頁介紹的彌勒佛是德化白瓷造;  四大天王是石灣陶瓷, 作者是劉澤棉先生。(石灣陶瓷大師)
* The statues intro in this page are product  from:  Maitreya Buddha - De-Hua White Porcelain,
                                                                                Deva-Kings - Shi-Wan Porcelain created by
                                                                                Mr. LIU, Duo-Mian. (Master of Shi-WanPorcelain)

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